Heterogeneous graph representation learning aims to learn low-dimensional vector representations of different types of entities and relations to empower downstream tasks. Existing popular methods either capture semantic relationships but indirectly leverage node/edge attributes in a complex way, or leverage node/edge attributes directly without taking semantic relationships into account. When involving multiple convolution operations, they also have poor scalability. To overcome these limitations, we proposes a flexible and efficient Graph information propagation Network (GripNet) framework.
Hao Xu, Shengqi Sang, Peizhen Bai, Ruike Li, Laurence Yang, and Haiping Lu. "GripNet: Graph Information Propagation on Supergraph for Heterogeneous Graphs." Pattern Recognition (2023).
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Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease with very few known effective medications. In this project, we proposed a computational pipeline to find new therapeutic targets for this disease, by combining multiple state-of-the-art machine learning and simulation methods: DL-based DeepPurpose, protein surface based MONN and docking simulation. Our method identified several potential drug candidates, whose efficacy was evaluated in the Zindi-Indaba competition.
Jonathan Smith, Hao Xu, Xinran Li, Laurence Yang, and Jahir Gutierrez. "Compound Screening with Deep Learning for Neglected Diseases: Leishmaniasis." Machine Learning in Computational Biology (2022).
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For problems like drug side effects, a "predictor" that correctly predicts side effects is far from enough. A question of greater concern is: Can the "predictor" help us to figure out the cause of a predicted side effect? In this project we provided a positive answer to this question by introducing APRILE, a graph learning XAI framework for discovering the mechanism behind drug side effects.
Hao Xu, Shengqi Sang, Herbert Yao, Alexandra Herghelegiu, Haiping Lu, and Laurence Yang. "APRILE: Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms of Drug Side Effects with Explainable Graph Neural Networks." bioRxiv (2021).
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- An efficient Python commend line tool for exploring undiscovered relations between genes and diseases, by explaining a trained TIP model based on mutual information.
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- We construct this new dataset for predicting if a protein is soluble or not, given a solubility threshold. In this dataset, there are 11949 proteins, with 4662 (42.25%) soluble proteins and 6370 (57.74%) insoluble proteins. All proteins' 3D structure are available in the RCSB PDB database.
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Taking multiple medications at the same time can cause serious side effects. Therefore, we developed TIP, a biomedical knowledge graph based side effect predictor for the use of drug combinations. Actually, TIP model is an efficient general approach for multi-relational link prediction in any multi-modal (i.e. heterogeneous and multi-relational) network with two types of nodes. It can also be applied to other knowledge graph completion and recommendation tasks.
Hao Xu, Shengqi Sang, and Haiping Lu. "Tri-graph information propagation for polypharmacy side effect prediction." NeurIPS Workshop on Graph Representation Learning (2020).
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- Ladybug is a web-based Java code similarity detection tool based on abstract syntax tree. LADYBUG can detect not only the directly-copied code but also some complex similarity situations, i.e. change variable name, change for/while loop, change if/switch condition, methods and etc. It also have a command line tool version. Just try it for fun!
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