Mathematical Symbols and Formulas in Markdown

matrix, Font, Operator, Letter...

Posted by Hao Xu on August 28, 2017


  • in a line ` $mathematical formula$`
  • in another line $$mathematical formula$$

Blank in $LaTex$

  • $a \qquad b$
  • $a \quad b$
  • $a \ b$
  • $a \; b$
  • $a \, b$


\[\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{matrix} \tag{1}\] \[\left\{ \begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{matrix} \right\} \tag{2}\] \[\left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{matrix} \right] \tag{3}\] \[\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{bmatrix} \tag{4}\] \[\begin{Bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{Bmatrix} \tag{5}\]

\(\left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & \cdots & 4 \\ 7 & 6 & \cdots & 5 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 8 & 9 & \cdots & 0 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \tag{6}\)

Formula aligned

\[\begin{eqnarray} a & = & b + c \\ & = & d + e + f + g + h + ij + k + l \\ && +\: m + n + o \\ & = & p + q + r + s \end{eqnarray}\] \[sign(x)=\begin {cases} +1, & x\geq0 \\ -1, & x<0 \end {cases}\]

Code Block

int main(){
  printf(hello world!\n);
  return 0;

Superscript and Subscript

  • ^ to superscript

  • _ to subscript

    • use{ } to represent a union

      $x = a_{1}^n + a_{2}^n + a_{3}^n$

    • use \sideset to have scripts both sides

      e.g. $\sideset{^1_2}{^3_4}A$

  • use \overline{ } to $\overline{A}$

  • use \underline{ } to $\underline{A}$

  • use \hat{ } to $\hat{y}$, use \check{ } to $\check{y}$, and use \breve{ } to $\breve{y}$.

  • use \widehat{ } to $ \widehat{abc} $

  • use \widetilde{ } to $\widetilde{abc}$

  • use \overbrace{ }^{ } to $\overbrace{a + b + c}^{3}$

  • $\vec{a}$


  • ( ), [ ], and | represent themselves, but { } need be represent by \lbrace \rbrace sometime.

  • Bracks Code
    { \lbrace
    } \rbrace


  • use grammar like \cfrac or \frac{denominator}{numerator}

    • e.g. $\cfrac{1}{3}\(and\)\frac{1}{3}$

Square Root

  • use \sqrt[exponent]{radicand}

    e.g. $ \sqrt[3]{5 - x}$


  • use \vec{ }

    e.g. $\vec{a}$

Greek Letter

Code Capital Letter Code Lower Case
A A \alpha $\alpha$
B B \beta $\beta$
\Gamma $\Gamma$ \gamma $\gamma$
\Delta $\Delta$ \delta $\delta$
E E \epsilon $\epsilon$
Z Z \zeta $\zeta$
H H \eta $\eta$
\Theta $\Theta$ \theta $\theta$
I I \iota $\iota$
K K \kappa $\kappa$
\Lambda $\Lambda$ \lambda $\lambda$
M M \mu $\mu$
N N \nu $\nu$
\Xi $\Xi$ \xi $\xi$
O O \omicron $\omicron$
\Pi $\Pi$ \pi $\pi$
\Sigma $\Sigma$ \rho $\rho$
T T \sigma $\sigma$
\Upsilon $\Upsilon$ \upsilon $\upsilon$
\Phi $\Phi$ \phi $\phi$
X X \chi $\chi$
\Psi $\Psi$ \psi $\psi$
\Omega $\Omega$ \omega $\omega$

Special Alphabet

Symbol Code
$\aleph$ \aleph


Symbol Code
$\mathbb {A}$ \mathbb{A}
$\mathfrak {B}$ \mathfrak{B}
$\mathcal {C}$ \mathcal{C}
$\mathbf{d}$ \mathbf{d}

Relational Operators

Symbol Code
$\pm$ \pm
$\times$ \times
$\div$ \div
$\mid$ \mid
$\nmid$ \nmid
$\cdot$ \cdot
$\circ$ \circ
$\ast$ \ast
$\bigodot$ \bigodot
$\bigotimes$ \bigotimes
$\bigoplus$ \bigoplus
$\ll$ \ll
$\gg$ \gg
$\leq$ \leq
$\geq$ \geq
$\neq$ \neq
$\approx$ \approx
$\sum$ \sum{ }
$\prod$ \prod{ }
$\coprod$ \coprod

Set Operators

Symbol Code
$\emptyset$ \emptyset
$\wp(\ )$ \wp( )
$\in$ \in
$\notin$ \notin
$\subset$ \subset
$\supset$ \supset
$\subseteq$ \subseteq
$\supseteq$ \supseteq
$\bigcap$ \bigcap
$\bigcup$ \bigcup
$\bigvee$ \bigvee
$\bigwedge$ \bigwedge
$\biguplus$ \biguplus
$\bigsqcup$ \bigsqcup

Logical Operators

Symbol Code
$\because$ \because
$\therefore$ \therefore
$\forall$ \forall
$\exists$ \exists
$\not=$ \not=
$\not>$ \not>
$\not\subset$ \not\subset

Trigonometric Operators

Symbol Code
$\bot$ \bot
$\angle$ \angle
$\sin$ \sin
$\cos$ \cos
$\tan$ \tan
$\cot$ \cot
$\sec$ \sec
$\csc$ \csc
$^\circ$ ^\circ

Calculus Operators

Symbol Code
$\prime$ \prime
$\int$ \int
$\iint$ \iint
$\iiint$ \iiint
$\oint$ \oint
$\lim$ \lim
$\infty$ \infty
$\nabla$ \nabla
$\mathrm{d}$ \mathrm{d}or {\rm d}

Arrow Symbols

Symbol Code
$\uparrow$ \uparrow
$\downarrow$ \downarrow
$\Uparrow$ \Uparrow
$\Downarrow$ \Downarrow
$\rightarrow$ \rightarrow
$\leftarrow$ \leftarrow
$\Rightarrow$ \Rightarrow
$\Leftarrow$ \Leftarrow
$\longrightarrow$ \longrightarrow
$\longleftarrow$ \longleftarrow
$\Longrightarrow$ \Longrightarrow
$\Longleftarrow$ \Longleftarrow