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Biomedical Knowledge Graph Construction

data integration...

Open Source Collections: Stanford Biomedical Network Dataset Collection [link] Databases: List of biological databases (WiKi) Reactome: human molecular pathways: metabolism, signaling, r...

Programming A GPU with CUDA

CUDA Software Model Grids, Blocks, Warps & Threads The Hardware abstracted as a Grid of Thread Blocks, which are indexed from 0. Blocks map to SMPs: There may be more than one bl...

[Note] Modeling Polypharmacy Side Effects with Graph Convolutional Network

multi-type link predication, multimodal graph, GCN...

Modeling Polypharmacy Side Effects with Graph Convolutional Network Home Page: http://snap.stanford.edu/decagon 1. Dataset The original dataset is a huge multimodal graph. Node: Each node eith...

Speech Processing

DFT, Speech/non-speech, voiced/unvoiced...

1. Sampling and Quantisation Speech signal are typically quantised in amplitude and sampled in time. Quantisation of a signal sequence is achieved by sampling. The process of signal quantisation a...

The Vector Space Model for Information Retrieval (IR)

binary, tf, tfidf, stoplist, stemming...

The Vector Space Model The vector space model maps each document $d\in D$ to a normalized vector $\vec{v}(d)\in V$. Each dimension $i$ of $V$ corresponds to a unique word $w_i$ in the document col...

Unsupervised Learning

k-means, dimensionalty reduction...

$k$-means Clustering Description1 Given a set of observation ${x_1, x_2, …, x_n}$, where each observation is a $d$-dimension real vector. The $k$-means clustering aims to partition the $n$ obs...

Statistical Learning

object, data, purpose, method...

Statistical Learning If a system can improve its performance by performing a process, this is learning. Data + Model -> Prediction Object - Data Numbers, text, images, video, audio a...

Summary of Probability

Axiom, condition, IID, DRV, distribution...

1. Axioms of Probability Definition The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment is known as the sample space of the experiment, denoted by $S$. Definition Any subset $E$ of the sample spa...

Mathematical Symbols and Formulas in Markdown

matrix, Font, Operator, Letter...

Grammar in a line ` $mathematical formula$` in another line $$mathematical formula$$ Blank in $LaTex$ $a \qquad b$ $a \quad b$ $a \ b$ $a \; b$ $a \, b$ Matrix \[\begin{matri...